Yummy Yum Cha in Sydney Chinatown – East Ocean Restaurant

There are heaps of good Yum Cha restaurant in Sydney’s Chinatown though there is one restaurant I keep going back to. My Yum Cha restaurant of choice is the East Ocean Restaurant. East Ocean has an entrance on Sussex Street and another entrance on Dixon Street in the heart of Chinatown Sydney.

The Yum Cha at East Ocean is consistently good. They have plenty of trolleys going around though they also have a specific yum cha menu with loads more dishes you can order and have prepared fresh. I love the trolleys as they come past and you never know what they have until they opening the tops of the bamboo steamers. Ordering from the menu has now become something I do all the time. It is nice to sit down and grab whatever goes past on the trolley but also ordering off the menu to ensure I get all my favourite yum cha dishes and they come to table fresh.

I love my BBQ pork buns and a Yum Cha would not be complete unless I get some. So ordering from the menu makes sure I don’t walk away disappointed. Also at the end of a yum cha meal it is not complete without some yummy egg custard tarts and maybe some fresh mango pancakes or a few spoonfuls of delicious mango pudding.

Some of my other favourite yum cha dishes include the rice noodles with either prawns or the roast beef. Any type of steamed dumpling either with seafood or vegetables. Now I never have been a fan of the chickens feet. I have tried them and just find them unpleasant. The taste is fine it’s just that there is not really any meat on them, just slimy skin and lots of little bones. I usually go with a big group and their usually is a few who like them and they can have them all.

East Ocean has been serving up delicious Chinese food for many years. Yum Cha is only served during the morning and lunch time. In the evening the restaurant serves al a carte Cantonese food and specialises in seafood. It is a late night restaurant open to 2am on weekends. Alot of chefs around Sydney come to this restaurant after they have closed up their own restaurant.
Oh and just like finishing off a Yum Cha meal, I choose to finish this article with my favourite Chinese dessert – the egg custard tarts. Yum Yum Yum Cha!

For more pictures and contact details for East Ocean Restaurant.
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