Top 10 Aviation Youtube Channels

This is for all the Aviation geeks like me that like watching airline flight reviews. This is the Top 10 in my opinion and channels that I watch regularly – they also buy cheap youtube subs, but I guess it’s worth it. Let me know in the comments below if there are other channels that you can recommend.

Subscription numbers are at 18th July 2020
Sam Chui 2.21M Subsribers
The Chief of Airline reviews. With more than 2 million subscribers, most people in the airline industry know who Sam Chui is.
With that much exposure, Sam gets some great opportunties to see behind the scenes of the airline industry, from seeing the kitchens where they cook the inflight meals, to getting access to the flight deck before the flight or haning with the cabin crew as they prepare the meals.
He loves what he does and it shows in his videos. He is the eternal optomist and he often sugar coats everything in every video. Well I guess when alot of airlines are offering him free flights to make videos about their airlines, then he graciously gives them great reviews. i would be pretty happy on flights that I didn’t have to pay for!
Captain Joe 1.35M Subscribers
I have to be honest that I have never watched any of Captain Joe’s video. He makes it to the list with more than 1 million subscribers.
I will check out some of his videos soon and will update this review on his videos.
Josh Cahill 285K Subscribers
Josh Cahill has some very entertaining reviews. I am not sure if he is the unluckiest traveller as he always seems to have some bad experiences like not being given a transit visa into China and spending 24 hours in Beijing airport.
While he gives honest reviews, he does seem a bit critical on lots of aspects of each flight.
I love to fly and most times I love most flights. Sure a bad cabin crew can spoil the flight experience but at the end of the flight I am usually pretty happy.
Josh seems to have something to complain about or he just picks the worst airlines in the world!
Wingin’ It! Paul Lucas 208K Subscribers
I really like Paul Lucas’s airline reviews. His style is straight forward with no fluff. He says things how they are. No messing around, stright to the point.
He gives great critic on all aspects of the flying experience, from getting to the airport, the check in process, the lounge and the whole onboard experience.
DutchPilotGirl 185K Subscribers
I have not watched any of DutchPilotGirl’s videos. I will check them out soon and will update this description.
DennisBunnik Travels 98.9K
NeverNotFlying 57.1K Subscribers
Paul Stewart 44K Subsribers
A great youtuber has makes honest reviews. I am surprised he has so few subscribers considering his great content.
One World Flyer 39.8k Subscribers
I have been subscribed to One World Flyer for severals years now. He posts up videos every Thursday 12pm Hong Kong time.
Jayden is from Hong Kong but lives in Adelaide Australia. He started doing reviews just for the airlines that are part of the OneWorld Alliance but has recently branched out doing reviews for other airlines like Virgin.
Airline Spotter 20.6k Subscribers
Yoel Febrian 20.5K Subscribers
Aviator Samy 12.3K Subscribers
Some great content. His visually pleasing videos only have text subtitles with his opinions of the flights. Still entertaining.
NowGetThere 9.11K Subscribers
My very own Youtube channel. Ofcourse I’m going to add mine to the list for the publicity.
This has always been a bit of a hobby for me. I don’t fly as much as many of the other Aviation Youtubers.
I’ve been doing reviews for over 5 years now. With reviews for more than 16 Airlines and 20 Airports
So far I have reviews for Qantas, Emirates, Cathay Pacific, Japan Airlines, ANA, Jetstar Australia, Jetstar Asia, Jetstar Pacific, Virgin Australia, Tiger Airways, Silk Air, AirAsia, Firefly, Vietnam Airways, Vietjet, Bangkok Airways, Aircalin and Fiji Airways.