How much do things cost in Sydney

How much do things cost in Sydney
In 2018 Sydney was listed in the Top 10 of the most expensive cities in the world. Real estate is extremely expensive and food prices have been going up.

So how much should you expect to pay for a holiday visiting Sydney?
We have listed some common items that you may buy on holiday so you prepare your budget for a holiday in Sydney. These are general prices and the prices all depend on where you go. Things are more expensive in the Sydney CBD city area, so prices will vary to out in the suburbs of Sydney. High end prices will be much more expensive than prices quoted here.
How much do things costs in Sydney?
- Beer – $5 – 6 in a pub, $8 – $9 in a restaurant
- Coffee – $3.50 – $5
- Can of coke – between $2 – $3
- McDonald’s Big Mac meal – $9.90 for a medium sized value meal
- Beef Kebab – $10 – $12
- A pizza – $10 – $25 – all depends if you go to a high end restaurant or a cheap restaurant
- Taxi fare – $3.60 flag fare + $2.19 per kilometer
- Train ticket from airport to city – $14.30 for Adult and $12.80 for Gold Senior/Pensioner, Concession and Child/Youth Opal card holders
- Hotel accommodation – this will vary from $100 to several hundred dollars for a luxury hotel
- Packet of cigarettes – $31 – $32 dollars. These will cost much more in a convenience store so get to a tobacanist or supermarket to buy your ciggies
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